27 March 2020

Cannabis Questions? More Answers in one Injection

As laws and regulations change, cannabis and all it’s related chemical compounds of interest are showing up in a wide variety of consumer products. LECO instruments, that combine powerful Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOF-MS) and Comprehensive Two Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GC×GC) technologies, can make your analyses more efficient. Find out here, how to save time and money by quantifying and identifying both the terpene and cannabinoids in just one injection. The same injection can even reveal the presence of pesticides and more!

How can we do this? Using GC×GC drastically increases analyte separation, which together with high quality full mass range spectra obtained by TOF-MS, enables powerful deconvolution analyte finding using ChromaTOF.

Do you want to learn more about "Determining Terpene Profiles of Cannabis Strains", then watch the presentation of Joe Binkley, Director - Separation Science Applications.