LECO News Archive (Elemental Analysis, Separation Science, and Metallography)

Balanced Soil: Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Determination with the CNS928
Well-balanced crops require well-balanced soil. While carbon may be the most essential element for organic life, the right ratio of nitrogen and sulfur in the soil along with the carbon can really influence the speed and strength of plant development and growth. With a macro combustion carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur determinator such as LECO's CNS928, those ratios can be discovered…
SeparationScience featuring LECO Food Testing Applications e-Book
Our new eBook summarises a large part of LECO’s application work in the field of food testing. In addition to the Application Compendium, the eBook includes an introduction to GC×GC- and TOFMS-technology, followed by an overview of the different hardware and software solutions that were used for the food testing applications. A bibliography with additional references can be found in…
Cannabis Questions? More Answers in one Injection
As laws and regulations change, cannabis and all it’s related chemical compounds of interest are showing up in a wide variety of consumer products. LECO instruments, that combine powerful Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOF-MS) and Comprehensive Two Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GC×GC) technologies, can make your analyses more efficient. Find out here, how to save time and money by quantifying and identifying…
Mass spectrometry and the history of GC-TOFMS by Alan Griffiths
 Non-targeted analysis, data science and innovation have synchronised to underpin the next generation of separation science analysis in mass spectrometry. LECO UK’s separations science product specialist Alan Griffiths explains. “Ideas often spark one another, and chain reactions occur. As with chemical reactions, ideas can remain contained in relatively small areas before gradually spreading outward. California’s Silicon Valley is a focal…